On 1 July 2019, the new Aged Care Quality Standards came into force.
The 'new standards' apply to all organisations that provide Commonwealth-subsidised aged care services, including Sawtell Catholic Care (SCC)
The new Standards, Quality of Care Amendment (Single Quality Framework) Principles 2018,
will replace the current aged care standards both for residential and home care. From July 1,
SCC must comply with and be assessed against the new Standards
The new Standards comprise of eight standards which provide a framework of 42 core requirements for quality and safety in the provision of care and services to our residents.
The new Standards aim to increase the role that consumers play in directing their own care
and supports, and allow flexibility in how the outcomes are delivered, in order to achieve
person-centred care. The Standards require transparency and aim to improve the lives of
those receiving aged care services.

1 Consumer dignity and choice
2 Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
3 Personal care and clinical care
4 Services and supports for daily living
5 Organisation’s service environment
6 Feedback and complaints
7 Human resources
8 Organisational governance
SCCA is supportive of the new Standards and the goal of improving the lives of those in our care.
Our current person-centred approach has been the result of our understanding of the needs and desires of our consumers.
A detailed analysis has been undertaken to identify new requirements for the organisation: for each of the eight standards, an action plan has been implemented. Communicating with all stakeholders and ensuring that our staff are ready for 1 July are major priorities for us.
For more information
Full details of the new standards can be found at
STANDARD 1 - Consumer Dignity and Choice
AIM: that each consumer is treated with dignity, maintains their identity,
can make informed choices about their care and live the life they choose.
OUR RESPONSE: an overhaul of our organisation- wide approach
to care and services so that the consumer is always at the centre of all we do.

STANDARD 2 - Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Consumers
AIM: an ongoing assessment and planning partnership with consumers to
ensure the best care and services for their health and wellbeing.
OUR RESPONSE: the review and redirect our care system to ensure that planning,
assessment and review process is always directed by the consumer.

STANDARD 3 - Personal Care and Clinical Care
AIM: that personal and/or clinical care are safe and right for the consumer.
Our Response: the instigation of a new goal centred planning and
review process that values the consumer as the expert in their own experiences.

STANDARD 4 - Services and Supports for Daily Living
AIM: that the consumer has the services and supports for daily living that are important for
their health and wellbeing and enable them to live life to the full.
Our Response: to ensure our organisation is proactive in offering options and support for cultural,
emotional, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing.

STANDARD 5 - Organisations Service Environment
AIM: that the consumer feels they belong, are safe and comfortable.
Our Response: an ongoing search for opportunities to enhance the environment,
while maintaining existing systems to ensure safety, security, comfort and wellbeing of consumers.

STANDARD 6 - Feedback and Complaints
AIM: that consumer feels safe and is encouraged to give feedback and make complaints
through a process that addresses them and results in action.
Our Response: the quest for continuous improvement through a
transparent process of responsibility and accountability.

STANDARD 7 - Human Resources
AIM: that quality care and services are provided when needed from
knowledgeable, capable and caring staff.
Our Response: to review and revitalise our learning and development program
to achieve full support for consumer directed care.

STANDARD 8 - Organisational Governence
AIM: that the organisation is well run and that the consumer can partner in improving care and service delivery.
Our Response: to evaluate and strengthen the corporate, organisational and clinical governance by ensuring the interests, needs and choices of consumers are drivers for strategy, policy and direction for SCCA in line with our vision, mission and values.