Our SCC Director of Mission Matt Digges has put together a few Prayer and Liturgy resources that can be accessed online.
Bishop Greg’s Sunday Mass and reflections: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxOjNyku4JCI08vfeTq-fQ
Fr Michaels reflections are found on the parish webpage: http://sawtellcatholicchurch.com.au/
Great daily reflections from Madonnna Magazine: https://www.pray.com.au/
Prayers in a time of pandemic https://www.catholic.org.au/images/synod/Prayers_for_Time_of_Pandemic.pdf
Creating Sacred Space https://www.sacredspace.ie/
Fr Michael has added updates regarding the Sawtell Parish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw_nDbt8p3M&feature=youtu.be